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Presentation in our case was respiratory involvement and recurrent relapses. buy cialis online Respiratory involvement is not a common feature in mitochondrial myopathy [1] but has been reported rarely in peo and leigh's disease. [2] to the best of our knowledge, recurrent quadriplegia due to muscle involvement, requiring prolonged ventilator support, has not been described in mitochondrial myopathy. The most appropriate clinical syndrome in the present patient would be " sporadic progressive external ophthalmoplegia with ragged red fibers with relapses (sporadic peo with rrf with relapses). " present case adds relapsing quadriplegia to the already known wide clinical spectrum of mitochondrial myopathy. Acknowledgment we thank dr. U. K. Misra, professor & head, department of neurology, sgpgims, lucknow for referring this patient to us. References 1. Howard rs, wiles cm, hirsch np, spencer gt. Respiratory involvement in primary muscle disorder: assessment and management. Q j med 1993;86:175-89. back to cited text no. 1 [ pubmed ] [ fu.
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